
Vocabulary list for watching the live action of 君に届け: From me to you

This show, based on a manga, is titled in English as "From me to you", but I think a more literal translation that also sounds poetic is "Reaching you".

Last updated: 6月16日

  • 振られる・ふられる:to be given the cold shoulder; to be jilted; to be rejected; to be dumped.
    • 「フラれた。」"I was (romantically) rejected."
  • 届ける・とどける: to deliver, to forward, to send.
  • 届く・とどく:to reach; to touch; to get to; to carry (of sound).
    • 「もう届いた。」 "I finally reached (you)".
  • 最低・さいてい: least, lowest, minimum; the worst; awful, horrible, nasty; at the very least.
    • 「最低!」"You are the worst!"
  • 最悪・さいあく: worst, horrid, horrible, terrible
  • めんどくさい:bothersome; tiresome; bother to do
  • きっと: surely, undoubtedly, certainly
    • 「きっと ちづちゃんや あやねちゃん 風早君のおかげなんだろう。」"Surely, it's thanks to Chizu-chan, Ayane-chan, and Kazehaya-kun (you)."
  • 「これからも よろしく頼むよ」.
    • "Please take good care of her (from this moment on)."
  • 仲良く・なかよく: to befriend, be happily get along well
    • 「仲良くね」: Please have fun!
  • 「たがが外れた」: I can't control myself (and I regret it)
    • たが: hoop or band, especially those to hold the staves of a wooden barrel
    • 外れる・はずれる: to come off or be removed
    • Literally, "The hoops have come off."
  • 告白・こくはく :professing one's feelings (to someone one wants to go out with); declaration of love; confession (to a crime, wrongdoing, etc.); admission; profession (of faith)
    • 「告白した。」"I confessed my feelings (to someone)."
  • 「関係ない」: It doesn't matter; it's not related (with a dismissive tone)
    • 関係・かんけい:relation, connection
    • To say, "There's no relationship" between two people, it may (?) be more typical to use が and the people's names or pronouns, like 「彼と私は関係がない」
    • 「千鶴に関係ないだろ」:It has nothing to do with Chizuru (you) (right?)."
  • 「気になる?」:"Are you interested (in it)?" / "Are you concerned (about it)?"
    • Literally, "Is the mood / spirit becoming/growing?"
  • 逆・ぎゃく: reverse, opposite
    • 「逆だよ」: "(No) It's the opposite!"
    • Similar to 「違う」to state something is differnet or wrong, but 逆だ is more specific to something being the opposite
  • 「しょうがない」: there's no other way; cannot be helped; unavoidable; inevitable; (there's) nothing one can do; having no choice; it is what it is; it's no use (doing); pointless; useless; no good; insufficient; not enough; hopeless (person); annoying; troublesome; awful
    • versatile and can be used in various contexts to express resignation or acceptance of a situation.
    • seems to be more common than and slightly more informal than 「仕方ない」 but similar meaning
  • 食う・くう: to eat (more casual than 食べる)
    • 「食えば」: "Eat"; "Go ahead and eat"
  • 「なんとなくだよ」: Somehow or other, for some reason or other
    • 「知ってたの?」「なんっとなくだよ」: "You knew, didn't you?" "Somehow or other..." / "I had some idea..."
    • An indirect, soft way of saying, "Yes"
  • 「起立!礼!」・「きりつ!れい!」 Rise! Bow!
    • The class representative shouts this to the class at beginning and end of class, for everyone to stand up and bow to their teacher.
    • 起立・きりつ standing up
    • 礼・れい bowing (your body), thanks, expression of gratitude
  • 悩み・なやみ trouble; troubles; worry; distress; sorrows; anguish; agony; problem
    • 「そういや 何か 風早 悩みあるみたいだったよ」: Speaking of which, something, Kazehaya seems to have been troubled (seems to have some worries), you know
      • そういや: casual way of saying そう言えば, "Come to think of it", "Speaking of which"
      • 何か・なんか・なにか something, some (worries here)
    • 「悩みがあるの?」Is something bothering you?
  • 「ちょっといい?」
    • Is it ok if we talk?
    • May I (have permission to do something)?
    • May I (ask you a question)?
  • 「気のせいじゃない」: It's not just my imagination
    • Literally, "It's not the fault of my mind", like "It's not just in my head."
    • 気:mind, feeling
    • せい: fault, cause
  • 組・ぐみ: class (of students), group (of people); party; team; crew; lot, bunch
    • 「C組」 class C
    • Students in school in the same grade are often grouped into smaller groups with a letter name
  • 「やっと こっち向いた」: "Now you finally see me."
    • やっと:finally, at last
    • こっち: here (colloquial)
    • 向いた・むいた: from 向く, to face, to turn
    • Literally, "At least, you faced here (to me)"
  • つきあえる: to be in a relationship with, to date
    • 「あやねちゃんと つきあえて 嬉し方よ。」I was really happy dating you.
  • 応援する・おうえんする:to support, aid, assist; to cheer (someone) on