Costs of my self-directed career development
As a self-taught software developer.
(as of today)
- Udemy courses on sale***
- Learn and Understand AngularJS -- $15
- *Learn and Understand NodeJS -- $15
- *Java Spring MVC Framework with AngularJS by Google and HTML5 -- $15
- *Building a Chat App for Android from Scratch- $10
- *Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms in Java -- $10
- Master Object Oriented Design in Java -- $10
- *Building a Rich Internet Application with Vaadin -- $10
- *Learn NodeJS By Building 10 Projects -- $10
- **JavaScript -- Understanding the Weird Parts -- $5
- **Java Web Services -- $19
- Spring Framework 4 Tutorial: Practical, Rapid, Intuitive -- $19
- **Learn Apache Solr with Big Data and Cloud Computing -- $20
- *Projects in HTML5 -- $10
- *Projects in PHP and MySQL -- $10
- Java Persistance -- Hibernate and JPA -- $10
- Servlets and JSPs Tutorial -- $10
- Java Swing GUI Programming -- $10
- *The Ultimate Web Development Course -- $10
- The Java Spring Tutorial -- $11
- Online subscriptions
- Packtpub one-time monthly subscription: $12.99
- PluralSight one-time monthly subscription: $18.99
- Textbooks
- Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design -- $13.33
- Effective Java -- $22.29
- Head First Design Patterns -- $34.79
- **Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software -- $15.93
- Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams, and Functional-style Programming -- $45.05
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftmanship -- $33.46
- *Algorithms in a Nutshell -- *$8.85
- Grokking Algorithms *- $22.44
- *Functional Programming in Java *-- $24.95
- *Java Testing with Spock -- *$24.95
- *Beginning PHP 5.3 *-- $1.75
- PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer -- $5.99
TOTAL: $514.76
*Haven't started yet.
** Started but haven't completed yet.
Does not include the tons of free courses/books I've gotten/borrowed and used.
But then do I count the Learning Tree courses I was forced to take (~$3,000) for my promotion but didn't really help me at all in terms of learning--until maybe a bit now? Aaaah.
Including mostly-useless LT courses: ~$3,514.76