Twitter artifacts
Stuff to save before and after deleting my account.
Accounts to follow
TN Senator says Hitler made something of himself after being homeless & you can too. I’m going to have to apologize to the universe for this guy. Hey @MeidasTouch not a single day passes without TN GOP embarrassing the hell out of our state.😬 @meiselasb @meidasjordy @BMeiselas
— Rep. Gloria Johnson (@VoteGloriaJ) April 14, 2022
— Impure Pics (@impurepics) November 5, 2020
Thank you to all the people improving tools and our life 🙏
— Impure Pics (@impurepics) December 6, 2020
"People in Europe live longer because of their Mediterranean diet"
— Dan Price (@DanPriceSeattle) January 16, 2022
*they can also get medical care without going bankrupt
— Lizard Queen (@ragbonehair) March 14, 2021
Absolutely HERE for this guy's chaotic energy
Following your advice, John is starting a gratitude journal to lower his stress levels. Yesterday he was grateful that Claire has never raised a hand to him. What else should John be thankful for?
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 5, 2021
Testerical, adjective.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) November 7, 2021
1. affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion.
"Andy became testerical and began screaming"
Similar words: overwrought, emotional, irrational.
2. relating to or suffering from testeria.
a tiktoker i follow has been doing a series of “things you can say to piss off men” and i am in actual tears at the crypto one i am using this 😭
— rebecca mix, #1 irene chen simp (@mixbecca) October 28, 2021
Should men
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 7, 2021
Paper of the day. What we talk about when we talk about monads
— Impure Pics (@impurepics) September 13, 2020
The answer is always traverse
— Impure Pics (@impurepics) October 2, 2020
Today we achieved the dream.
— Kirk (@KirkCodes) April 26, 2021
Made a function called `missyElliott` that takes a data structure, flips it, and reverses it.
I have ascended.
If you have a son, husband or brother, you'll know that men are people too. Please consider getting a male houseplant or chipping in £2 to support this page.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) April 14, 2021
"I'm sorry but referring to a mixed group as girls or gals is obviously gender-neutral. Getting annoyed about things like this is stupid. Focus on the real issues!!" Claire, CEO
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) April 28, 2021
Another perspective urging it may be time to retire this acronym.
— Katherine #DropLWOP #ClemencyNow (@kcrandphd) April 13, 2021
"BIPOC sets up an 'us vs. them' binary...reinforcing the idea of inter-racial conflict rather than interracial solidarity."
h/t @DrAnnLopez for sharing (and with a nod to @LorettaJRoss)
It's REALLY insulting to men to put one on the panel just because he's a man. You should look for the best PERSON and put her on the panel.
— Prof. Tracy L. M. Norton (@millennialprof) March 13, 2021
"Apparently, you are supposed to treat men how you would like to see your son treated. Unfortunately I don't have any sons so I have no idea how to treat men. Any tips please???" Misha, Lawyer.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) March 12, 2021
Elected Officials - one way you can thank an essential and/or front-line worker is by raising the minimum wage!!!
— J.D. Scholten (@JDScholten) February 5, 2021
someone gotta tell the waiter i ordered mashed potatoes and it aint gon be me
— zoe papi (@negIed) February 7, 2021
can’t decide if i want to hire them or want to join them
— Kenny Geets (@ElSangito) February 15, 2021
If your insult about Rush Limbaugh is related to his body, you're more like him than you think you are 🙃
— Kelly Ellis 💉💉💉 (@justkelly_ok) February 17, 2021
everyone talkin about the greatest story teller in rap forgetting about gmcfosho
— the mandate of heaven is dead (@iBuyTop) January 22, 2021
CONGRATULATIONS to Joe Biden for becoming the 46th male president of the United States on merit alone. You go boy!
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) January 20, 2021
"Nazi" isn't a slur. Calling it such suggests that it's worse to be CALLED a Nazi than to BE a Nazi, and that's obviously bull.
— maco (@maco_nix) January 12, 2021
In another clip provided by Mary Trump, Maryanne Trump Barry talks about Eric and Ivanka Trump's ambitions.
— The ReidOut (@thereidout) August 28, 2020
And what she thinks about her brother, Donald trump. #TheReidOut
— King Bach (@KingBach) July 9, 2020
"All Lives Matte.... "
— PassionFruit (@Ms_TayTae) July 28, 2016
Commentary: I know why women do nothing when they're harassed -- because I'm one of them: via @cogwbur
— WBUR (@WBUR) October 11, 2017
HILLARY GOT BARS! #Debatenight
— Cycle (@bycycle) September 27, 2016
"The term 'sportswomanship' is completely gender-neutral. Anything else would sound ridiculous, " Andy, age 31, sportswoman.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) June 28, 2016
"The term 'womanmade' is completely gender-neutral. It means something made by woman (or a man), e.g. womanmade fibres" Julie, CEO.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) June 30, 2016
If your work is criticized, you have (A) created something that was (B) noticed by someone. Be proud—many people don’t ever achieve both.
— Axel Rauschmayer (@rauschma) December 31, 2015
Today I learned:
— koush (@koush) January 3, 2016
plural of armed black people is thugs
plural of armed brown people is terrorists
plural of armed white people is militia