Testing from Samsung Dex

More ways to to optimize and minimize my travel packing -- instead of bringing both my work laptop and personal laptop, just reuse my phone for the latter!

I wrote this whole post from my phone, connected by a USB-C cable between the phone and a monitor, as well as by Bluetooth to my Magic Mouse and mechanical keyboard. It's not 100% smooth – I have a hard time scrolling up and down the screen – but it should be plenty sufficient for my needs when traveling. What I mainly want to do is use it browse the Internet, as I enjoy doing that from a bigger screen, keyboard, and mouse more than from my phone, as well as look at pictures and make blog posts about my travels. I want to do this without having to bring a personal laptop or do personal things on my work laptop, if I happen to bring that too (which I often do).

Below I'm testing how it'll render Ghost's formatting. I've tried many times to use Ghost's WYSIWIG on my phone, but it's always buggy.


  • Hello
  • Testing a list


Testing Markdown

  • List
    • Whoa
    • Nested list
    • Amazing

Preview of Samsung Dex
