Jasna's 00 pizza
[vegan] Finally -- consistently delicious thin-crust pizza at home!

After getting the Ooni Volt, I've strayed from pan pizza (and particularly this recipe which uses too much yeast) to thin, faux-New York-style pizza with bread flour or 00 flour. This recipe uses 00 flour.
- 1000g 00 flour
- 640g water heated to 113 degrees Fahrenheit
- 3g active dry yeast
- 30g sea salt
- Bread or all-purpose flour for dusting
- Pizza sauce
- Toppings. Be aware of moisture level for each topping, especially cheese: find low-moisture, and I personally like whole milk. Ideally cook things like mushrooms, spinach, garlic, etc. beforehand for best flavor and extraction of moisture.
- Semolina flour for coating the bottom of the pizza
- Olive oil for drizzling over the pizza
- At least one pizza peel, ideally 2 (1 for launching, 1 for mid-cook and serving)
- Ooni Volt
- Rolling pin, sub with a clean wine bottle
- Tupperware for your ~6 pizza dough balls
- Stand mixer (Kitchenaid is best). By hand is possible as well but I've had inconsistent and tiring results.
Makes about 6 balls of dough for about 6 pizzas.
Preparing the dough
- Add heated water and yeast to a stand mixer bowl.
- Add flour and salt.
- Mix on the lowest speed setting of the mixer for about 4 minutes, scraping down unmixed flour with a spatula.
- Cover the bowl with a tea towel.
- Let the dough rise in the bowl at room temperature for at least 2 hours.
- Continue to let it rise for about 10 more hours if you want to eat it that day; else divide the dough into 212g balls and place in the fridge to slow-rise overnight.
Cooking the pizza
- Let dough balls out to sit again at room temperature 1-6 hours before preparing.
- Preheat your Ooni Volt to 700 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Prepare your ingredients to be within easy each if you haven't already: pizza sauce, shredded cheese, cut (and optionally cooked) vegetables, etc.
- Dust your workstation with all-purpose or bread flour.
- Flatten your dough ball on your workstation into a pie crust. This takes a lot of practice. What I normally do is the following, roughly in this order but sometimes changing depending on the situation: I press out the ball into a semi-flat, thick circle with my fingers. Then I gently stretch out a side of the dough with one hand while holding the other side down with my other hand. I turn the dough in a circle as I stretch out each side. I continue to thin out the dough with a rolling pin. I pick up the dough from one side with my hands, letting the other side droop with the force of gravity as it continues to stretch out. I quickly turn the dough as the lowermost side of it at the time droops. Then I eventually move my fingers into the bottom center of the dough, gently turning the dough in a circle as the sides continue to stretch out. Once it's thin enough to my liking, I am done. If I make a small tear in the dough (not ideal), I just pinch it shut with adjacent dough and roll it out with the rolling pin. Other recipes swear that you need to start over, but pinching it has worked just fine for me.
- Lay your pie crust onto a semolina-flour coated pizza peel.
- If using sauce, quickly spread a thin or semi-thin layer around your pie crust. I personally like not being able to see much of the bare crust with just the sauce, though adding too much can be risky: see step 9.
- Sprinkle some salt or grated parmesan cheese on top of the crust or sauce.
- Quickly add the rest of your toppings. Be careful: the more toppings you add and the slower you are, the heavier the pizza will be, the more your pizza will stick to your peel, and the harder it will be to launch. Before launching into the oven, make sure the pizza is able to slide around. If not, carefully lift the pizza sides and add more semolina flour.
- Launch the pizza into the oven and let it cook for 1.5-2 minutes with the heat distribution in the middle or favoring the bottom for a crispier crust.
- Take pizza out and brush the sides with olive oil. Drizzle the top with olive oil.
- Put the pizza back in the oven for another 1.5-2 minutes.
- Take out, let cool for a few minutes, and serve.
Note: if you're serving multiple pies, be careful of your oven starting to gather burning semolina flour that can smoke up the house and set off your fire alarm! I try to open the window, turn the fans on, remove my fire alarm, and manually fan out smoke in between pie cooks.