200 days of Duolingo Thoughts on using Duolingo for about 7 months as a supplementary language game for my Japanese language (re)learning.
Review 2: Remembering the Kanji, vol 1 On making it halfway (1,100 out of 2,200) to kanji "literacy" in 4 months with Remembering the Kanji.
Review 1: Remembering the Kanji, vol. 1 2 months, 520+ kanji later, here are my thoughts on learning kanji and primitives through Heisig's classic textbook series and a related Anki deck.
Translation: 桜の森 Translating from Japanese to English one of my favorite songs: Sakura no Mori, or Cherry Blossom Forrest, by Gen Hoshino.
2022 mid-year retrospective After another job change and a lot of travel, things have finally quieted down a bit for me to reflect.
(Re) learning Japanese, 3.5 months later How far I've come, what habits I've established, what has and hasn't worked.
A case for effect systems Daniel Spiewak's 2022 Scala Love keynote. "The" case, but let's dial it back.